Any time of day or night, PARIS remains a real wonder for as long as we let our eyes walk through this sublime harmony of a historical presence going to dive its roots into the antiquite, whose roman thermals of Cluny are a true testimony.
PARIS is a city that brews in its trepidant life, a great human epic having crossed the centuries, well beyond an ancient history at the time when the sea covered all the parisian basin very long ago.
PARIS is a light city, a city that never sleeps, where the night owls, from the day before, meet the first people of the day going to their activities.
Walking in PARIS, city of light, opens the door to an exceptional dimension of encounter with an architectural beauty full of a presence filled with the greatest periods of history as well as the most anonymous.
Going to meet PARIS, in steps ranging from the simplest to the most advanced, enveloped in a quintessence of connection with a whole epic fully present rising to the height of a long human presence.
Meet PARIS, city of light that never sleeps, brings on the shores of the great discovery of the unusual ranging from the most classic to the most unprecedented.
Meet PARIS is an adventure, always full of surprises and in perpetual renewal.
In all the twists and turns of PARIS, city of light that never sleeps, developed in its architecture and configuration during its so long and prestigious history, emerges a consistency where beauty is revealed to the patient and sometimes astute eye.
This mysterious and unique constancy makes PARIS, city of light that never sleeps, this so splendid city.
We love PARIS and PARIS loves those who take the time to connect with « HER »